Friday, February 23, 2018

Why America Loves the President

President Trump speaking at CPAC today...a sense of humor that can't be beat!


  1. I didn't vote for Trump in order to get jokes. Build the wall. Arrest Hillary. Fire Jeff Sessions. Start doing all the things he promised us for Our Country. He's been President for a whole year. A lot of the things he said he would get done the first day and we're still waiting while he jokes and lets the damn libs look into his private affairs. Fire everyone and do it himself. And if he can't in 4 years cancel the next election.

    Why is everyone just waiting around to get stuff done????

  2. Lighten up, lib! Check with your Democratic obstructionist friends and a few RINO's. Check with the fake news media.
    This was 32 seconds out of an hour and 20 minute speech.
    Go somewhere else with your BS.

  3. You're speaking to me, Lynn? I voted for Trump to get things done. I'm not going to sit around and make excuses for him. He needs to start doing the things he promised me. If you don't want to hold him to it, that's up to you. But there's plenty of us that still want to MAGA.

    Is there anyone that is not the subject of your hate? Go see all the angry libs at the street art festival this weekend and lighten up. I water my plants with their tears.

  4. Boy, very demanding aren't you?
    He is not a miracle worker.
    He's not God.
    He's doing the best he can to get a lot of things done in spite of all the obstructionists.
    What exactly is your gripe? With all his achievements, we haven't seen this optimism in over 30 years.
    Get on the Trump Train and become a REAL conservative.

  5. He is doing a fine job and it is refreshing to have a president who is not a politician and does not pander to everyone. Bravo President Trump!

  6. He made us promises, right? He told us he could make deals and get things done quickly. A year later, there is no wall. There still is Obamacare. And Hillary is still free. MAGA people want him to keep his promises, that's all. And while "real conservatives" are making excuses for him, the deep state is coming after him and his people. He needs to fire them all. Now. And then he needs to run everything himself. Get a couple generals and his family and he can do everything he wants quickly. No more PC Congress and Supreme Court rulebooks. Like Nike says, just do it.

    The Trump Train has passengers that are ready to take this country back and run things, not twiddle their thumbs.

  7. Sounds like a one way ticket to Siberia Jesse. You go first, and if you get back, let us know all about it. Remember the October Revolution!

  8. Jessee is really a left-wing nut job disguising himself as a Republican. this is what liberals do--LIE.

  9. For Jesse:

  10. Unlike President Obama the King, President Trump realizes that he cannot govern by illegal executive actions. Trump is following the legislative procedure and doing everything in his power that a President can.He is being stopped by radical Federal judges that think THEY are kings. The legislative process is slow and frustrating ,but it is our law.


    We enjoy laughing with him and his direct talk and that he espouses American values after 8 years of anti American rhetoric and enabling our enemies by his predecessor.
