Friday, February 23, 2018

Governor Rick Scott has Action Plan

Governor Scott agrees...Enough is Enough--school shootings must end.

Read his Plan


  1. I like that he said that he doesn't think arming teachers is the solution. I agree. The bullying needs to stop and support for young people needs to be there. This poor kid had a lot of bad experiences in his life, I feel just as bad for him as the people he killed. God still loves him and forgives him. It is all a very sad situation, but arming teachers is not the solution, coming from a teacher of 31 years now.

  2. This "poor kid " should have been shut away in a mental institution where he could not harm innocent people. Unfortunately the school boards of public schools demand that these complete nut cases be kept in with our children.

  3. Governor Scott knows what he is doing. That's more than I can say for most people in charge.

  4. Is he a poor kid, or is he a bad seed? We like to think there is good in everybody, but maybe that is just a fairy-tale we like to hold on to. He was nothing but trouble when his mother was alive, so what's the difference?

  5. I believe in the "bad seed." I have known parents who have tried everything with their kids who are just plain bad...more than brats in every respect. They have done everything possible to help the little bastards with no results.
