Saturday, February 24, 2018

Using the word "man" is now taboo in some circles - Insanity Abounds

Did anyone catch this segment on Tucker Carlson's show last night? Purdue university (my Dad's alma mater back when there was sanity in this country) is now banning the word "man."

Tucker had on guest Cathy Areu, Founder of Catalina magazine, who said that words such as "mailman," "policeman," "fireman" and "congressman," should be replaced with the word "person" instead. I have seen Ms. Areu on several occasions on his show and she is a hoot but for real. You sit there shaking your head in amazement.

Liberals are determined to make us general neutral and the really sad thing is, they are succeeding with their insanity in some segments of our society today such as universities and colleges where people are very impressionable...the future generation, or in liberal areas of the country. Our neighbor to the north's president, socialist leader Justin Trudeau, recently corrected a speaker and told her to use the word  "humankind" instead of "mankind."


  1. Trudeau asked for people kind, humankind would have been too logical for him and his hysterical cronies..

  2. No college girl with an Adam's apple is going to tell me how to speak. I will say man up and use the male pronouns unless I'm speaking about a female only. Don't wreak language with everything else.
