Saturday, February 24, 2018

4 Deputies did not enter Parkland high school

While liberal gun haters spewed their outrage at the NRA trying to take it down and ruin their organization with lies and false charges by blaming them for the Parkland shooting, it has now been revealed that there were four deputies at the school who did not enter to take out the shooter. The question now is, were they told to stand down?

Read about it...


  1. The shooting was a staged event by left wing gun control operatives who also provided the child actors that you mentioned the other day. They're all connected and being funded by George Soros and the mainstream media to take away America's gun rights. Why would the deputies not go in? It's their job, right? It's because they knew about the event and let it play out. They were simply doing what they were told to do and were exposed. Wait until the whole truth comes out.

    The sooner people realize that the Deep State and liberal elites are corrupting the country and manipulating bloggers and other social media platforms, the better.

  2. Gee, I really hope you don't own a gun.

  3. You agree that that kids who are shown on TV after the shooting are child actors, right? So if the Deep State is doing that, why is it so hard to believe that the whole event was staged in order to come and take our guns? Parkland is lib heaven and you know how they can be. Wait for the news to come out on Gateway Pundit and then you'll be quoting it, I bet. Alex Jones sees it and you post plenty of things from him....why ar eyou so critical of me?

  4. Some of Alex Jone's conspiracy theories are off the wall...I said "some."
    A few of the kids shown on TV were child actors. Most (99%) of these kids went through a horrible tragedy and I do believe they were taken advantage of by left-wing anti-gun groups and Trump haters.
    Let's see how it all pans out. More and more stuff is being revealed on a daily basis.

  5. A good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun, eh? LOL!

  6. It's to bad that you liberals and conservatives hate each other so much that no matter what the issue y'all will fight it out rather then compromise for the good of humanity. Keep "winning", losers!


  7. "To stop a bad guy with a gun, takes a good guy with a gun."

    ~ Wayne LaPierre
    CEO and Executive Vice President of the NRA

    Wrong! Wayne, what happened? The "good" guys froze Wayne. You watched to many Dirty Harry movies.

  8. I'm not ready to condemn these Deputies. As usual, we bring our own problems down on our heads, and then expect someone to clean up the mess for us. Do you want to die for the inability of the State to come up with a comprehensive plan to keep schools safe.

    You've got it all wrong. These are not Special Forces with Army Ranger and Delta Force training. They are just people with a job, making very little money and working under mounting pressure to survive every day.

  9. Many people believe today that police do the same thing right here close to home, they hide out in the nice areas here and are not present at all in the hoods, until after they are called in to pick up dead bodies,etc, they are not present and avoid any of the problem areas of cities and rough neighborhoods. It is easier to hang out at the beach or golf course and watch a nice view instead of being present in the hood providing a presence and protecting and serving there. Being a law enforcement person cannot be easy and you need to worry about your life and family and it makes sense that many do not want to put their lives at risk going into an unsafe or gun zone if they do not have to, so it happens, reality. It happens here locally, throughout the country, and world. None of this is a surprise of shocking, because it happens here and around the world, deal with the truth and reality. WE all need prayers.
