Monday, February 26, 2018

Trump is no longer underwater

In spite of the Democrats trying to do everything within their power to impeach the President, Trump Hits 50%!

In the Rasmussen Poll, the only survey that polls actual voters, President Donald Trump has moved up steadily since the new year and has now reached a new plateau of 50 percent job approval with only 49 percent disapproving.

Never before in his presidency has Trump cracked 50 percent, and never before, in any reputable poll, have his positive marks outweighed the negative ones.

Read Dick Morris... former advisor and campaign manager of Bill Clinton's.


  1. 39%, according to the much less biased Gallup.

    I'm just surprised you didn't post the CPAC poll and call it representative of the country!


  2. Yeah, think they were one of the polling companies that said Trump would never win the election.

  3. Actually, Rassmussen was....

    LOL. Your ignorance is only eclipsed by your hatefulness.

  4. Also, what you posted was not from a was their opinion. So, your ignorance abounds. We are talking about polls on this blog. Please read.

  5. You mean old foot-fetish Dick Morris.

  6. We're more concerned about our local elections here in Lake Worth then politics on the National level sweetheart, Washington DC doesn't care about you, doesn't matter who is president, they are all self serving. Lake Worths elections are so important we have people involved from other city's contributing financialy and coming to our candidate forums. We shall see who is the loser in the coming weeks. Best of luck, enjoy the winning!

  7. Some people are not quite so myopic as you are, sweetheart. There are millions in this country who DO care about politics on the national level. Thank God for that.

  8. Based on the recent cast of possible presidential contenders for 2020, Trump will win handily. There are some good possibilities for a Democratic candidate, but you'll never hear about them, because of the lopsided coverage of the press, and the selfishness of the old fools who are still hoping to make it to the White House.

    Note: Old fools includes male and female hopefuls.
