Monday, February 26, 2018

Supreme Court won't hear DACA

The Daily Wire reported that today the Supreme Court announced that it would not intervene to stay the lower court ruling temporarily blocking the implementation of President Trump’s termination of the Obama administration executive amnesty. Renewals of approximately 700,000 deportation waivers for illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children would have ended on March 5.

Now, under the continued Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, those waivers will remain available. The Supreme Court did request that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals “act expeditiously to decide this case.”

But the Supreme Court’s rejection is actually a win for the Trump administration politically, too. That’s because the Trump administration will not have to start deporting DREAMers — so no nasty headlines about Trump cruelty. [Ben Shapiro}

You mean we won't have to listen to Nancy Pelosi ranting again on these poor illegal immigrants?

1 comment:

  1. Even losses are wins for Trumpsters!!! Yay!!!!
