Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The last Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum

The Bryant Park Candidate Forum took place on Monday night at the Beach Club located at the Lake Worth Golf Course. The place was packed. The only bad thing about it all was the fact that the facility did not have toilet tissue in the ladies room. In fact, after telling them about this slight problem before the meeting had started, they never did a thing about it. Someone who had been pointed out to me as the manager told me to tell the cleaning crew. For real.

There was misinformation spewed by several candidates but all in all it was an interesting but a long forum. It was supposed to end by 9pm but lasted until around 9:40.

Sarah Malega, who was well prepared, spoke extemporaneously, answering the questions never referring to notes. She said that the pool is an asset to our city and that everyone wants to be friends of the Lake Worth pool, unless, of course, you are Scott Maxwell who wants it gone. Drew Martin made an interesting point when he asked " if you can't keep the pool opened, how do you manage a $43 million road project? Pam Triolo says she likes the pool.

The most interesting and annoying question, brought up once again, was, "Do you support changing the name of the city to Lake Worth Beach?"

Lake Worth has been its name since 1912 and named after the Lake Worth Lagoon--its name for 96 years. Candidates condensed answers to this question were as follows:
  • Pam Triolo: "Investigate it."
  • Sarah Malega: "Put it on the Ballot."
  • Drew Martin: Showing fiscal responsibility, "Name changes cost a lot of money."
  • Scott Maxwell: Wants it changed as we get attributed to crimes in suburbia Lake Worth. "This is a new Lake Worth," he said. This is a ridiculous reason to change the name of our city not to mention the tremendous cost as well as dishonoring our history.
Remember to vote on March 13. 



  2. Change the name to Lake Worthless if the food lady is reelected.

  3. Voting for Sara and Drew. Maybe we can finally hold the worthless employees accountable for whatever it is they do.

  4. With Drew, it would go back to the days of Dr. McVoy. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Pontificate on all things and bring any issue back to the need for solar.

    Environmentalism above all else.

    That idea you could even consider him for Mayor is crazy.

    Sarah is not connected with the radicals in the city. She is very involved in her neighborhood and understands what businesses have to go through in the city. Scott has been fighting for the city for years. He was the lone voice warning of the problems with the beach plan way before they became problems and no one would listen to him. People need to remember that.

    The choice is harder for District 1.

  5. Well, I realize that the present commission does NOT want to hear another voice. No one "obstructed."
    The mayor has the personality for this job.
    Drew is a very nice man, an expert on the environment and one who believes that solar energy would be in our best interests. Even FPL is investing more in solar than ever before. Two qualified candidates in their own right--different personalities.
    As far as Sarah and Scott are concerned, we in District 1 have no problem figuring out who is best.

  6. Finally someone on the dais who will care about and will prtect our DACA and imigrant hispanics and hassians.

  7. Whoever is elected needs to respect our laws. PERIOD.

  8. Why would they bring up changing the name of our town? really dumb.

  9. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Pontificate on all things and bring any issue back to the need for solar....

    I mean Hotel Districts and Heights...

    at least McVoy Honored the 'will of we the people'

  10. Surely, they can't change the name of the town without a vote of the residents. Only an idiot would think to change the name of a 100 year old town. It's not even a good name. Like O Street; if they had to change it, they could have thought of something better than Ocean Breeze. It grates on the nerves, just to look at the sign. Which influential moron put the stamp of approval on that move.

  11. They never should have changed the name of that street. But, I think it is a pretty name. The influential person spearheading that name change was Herman Robinson I believe.

  12. Changed names don't bring actual change. Change it to Foodladyville because she owns every bit of blight. Downtown is filthy. A good pressure clean would help.
