Thursday, February 22, 2018

Parkland Students Tricked by Florida Democrats

The plot to make a procedural motion to bring House Bill 219 to the floor was a stunt, say Democrats behind the scenes, hatched by Rep. Kionne McGhee, D-Miami, in cahoots with Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Parkland.

The idea was to trick the dozens of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students in the House gallery into believing only the Democrats care about students' lives. Look at that, the arrogant Republicans won't even allow a conversation about guns.

And it worked. By the time the floor session ended, emotional students who watched were crying and the Republicans' "refusal to talk about an assault weapons ban" was crawling all over social media. Soon after, one after the other of CNN commentators were shaking their heads, playing and replaying Speaker Richard Corcoran, R-Land O'Lakes' gavel moment: "The motion is not adopted."

Read more... at Sunshine State News


  1. There is a student in my friends school in Palm Beach County ,an elementary school,where the child has repeatedly written "I will kill all of you with a gun". The little nut case is still in the school. They can't kick him out. All they do is search his backpack every day before they let him into school.And yes,this is a true story.
    They can't fix the air conditioning in half of our public good luck with REAL ways to protect our children,like metal detectors,doors that lock from the inside and devices so doors can't be opened and armed guards.
    These students need to realize that for once in their privileged and short lives crying and screaming to get what you want is not the way to get real change in the real world.
    And the Democrats that pulled this despicable stunt on the backs of seventeen dead people need to be publicly censured by the Florida legislative body.

  2. Old dummy in po dunk town tricked by Russian bots. Sad but true.
