Thursday, February 22, 2018

Commissioner Robinson's perspective on guns

Tuesday night's city commission meeting started out with an emotional plea in Herman Robinson's invocation--
"...and I can't not bow my head for our national leaders that need to take responsibility for the arms race that our civilized country's participating in and hope that they can minimize the death and destruction to our civilized nation. Amen.

Next, Herman got political when he talked about guns under his liaison report:
Around 11 minutes and 30 seconds into the meeting he said:
"...regulate AR-15's. I would just want to maybe correspond with the Scottish Rite's people to ask their vendors to limit their gun sales to other than automatic and weapons of war. I think it's important that at this time we do not do nothing and I think that's the only few things we can do very locally to limit the weapons that are killing people."

First of all, we are being assaulted, no pun intended, with so-called ‘experts’ saying the AR-15 is an unnecessary ‘assault rifle’ and that the gun should be banned. The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, not an ‘assault rifle’ and there is a difference. As long as it does not have any military features, it is legal. Automatic firearms (such as machine guns), short-barreled shotguns, and short-barreled rifles are illegal.

The Gun show at the Scottish Rite takes place every month.
Currently, the PBAC gun shows accommodate approximately 80 tables, and reflect the quality, variety, and taste of its members. This includes handguns, rifles, shotguns, flare guns, edged weapons, militaria and accessories from many countries and periods.

I contacted this group but at the time of this post, I have not heard back from them as to whether any of the vendors at the gun Show sell assault weapons or any weapon of "war." I would doubt it.


  1. If andy and pam and the others want to take a stand on stopping gun sales, then they should not allow it to take place within city limits. How much do all of them take from the NRA or alike organizations? Term limits and stop this madness.

  2. Democrats always go overboard,,,they want no guns.

  3. @1:40--that sounds like a plan--ban sales of guns within the city limits. However, guns are legal to sell. As far as campaign donations to any commissioner from the NRA, none have received a campaign contribution of which I am aware. It's bad enough when political parties get involved in our local elections.

  4. No one cares what some commissioner from a backwards town think.
