Thursday, February 22, 2018


The vicious MS-13 gang, stifled under former President George W. Bush, exploded during the Obama era fueled by 300,000 illegals, including those given amnesty under the DACA program, and has now been linked to crimes in 22 states, according to a new report.

President Trump has pledged to crack down on the gang and deport those in the United States illegally.

Read more at the Washington Examiner


  1. According to MSNBC ,MS13 is a made up gang that nobody knows about except for FOX news!

  2. MSNBC should be sued by the city of LW where MS13 is settled in.

  3. All these liberals are not taking ms13 seriously, not until ms13 kills a few uppadies or professors or dem elites, then maybe the liberals will want some law and order and an end to illegal immigrants.

  4. They'll turn the other cheek.
