Thursday, February 22, 2018

Ben Shapiro on Abortion - A blot on the Morality of the American People


  1. I agree, it is so wrong. Abortion AND the death penalty are both forms of murder and no other human should have the right to kill them AT ALL!. No women has the right to murder an unborn child. When we allow this, this says a lot about a society, a sick society if we allow killing an unborn baby, this is EVIL. So true and so wrong. I applaud all people who stand up against abortion. Please join the 40 days for life against abortion, join others in praying to stop abortion in front of abortion clinics, we have abortions done daily here on 45th Street, come and pray, please pray for an end to abortion right here in our county. Abortion must end, the death penalty too. Murder is wrong in any form. We should not allow our neighbors babies to get murdered, even if the neighbor thinks it is her right. Please pray to end abortion. Thank you Lynn for caring. God bless you.

  2. Libs don't seem concerned over the approx 54 million potential school children murdered by abortion since 1973 Roe v Wade.

  3. Let's see here, should Shaneeka have her 4th baby while baby daddy is in prison? He might be another Dr Ben Carson, right?

  4. Abortion is the number one form of death in our country of any other disease or way people die each year. How can we as a society allow murdering all these unborn babies? It must make many of us, God, and our Blessed Mother Mary very very sad.
