Sunday, February 25, 2018

Billy Graham's last Facebook post

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Great message and so true! I think this is a problem today with many people here, they lack God in their lives and then just look at us as a whole? Allowing abortion is one thing, but so many of us are so selfish today causing so many problems in our society. Greed and selfishness, and pretentiousness are some of the biggest problems we have here in our world today. Thank you Billy Graham, my father loved you and liked watching him when we were kids although we were Catholic he still respected his preaching, like I do today with Joel Osteen, who is a modern day Billy Graham. These guys are top notch, they are positive, instill faith and hope, and are never judging, this is what all of us should aspire to today in our world, kind of like Jesus! RIP
