Thursday, December 21, 2017

Plan to ensure Donald Trump never became president

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said he believed people in the FBI and the Justice Department were involved in “an orchestrated plan” to keep President Donald Trump from becoming president.

Read more about it...


  1. Someone sent this letter to me today, I am so sick and tired of all these liberals who cry and complain and say how depressed they are that President Trump is ruining our country and their life. I just want to know how? What has he or his administration done really that has impacted any of us that much, why would you need to mope around and be depressed? This is all so sad!

    Dear X,
    For the past few weeks, Fox News and GOP members of Congress have been laying the groundwork to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They are not even pretending anymore -- they are aiding and abetting an administration that thinks it's above the law.
    There's only one solution: Impeachment -- and you and I, and 3.7 million other Americans agree. We are a huge movement, and we are making a difference. Look, back in October, just two members of Congress supported impeachment. Today, 171 members of Congress sent Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein a letter stating their support for Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. That's progress!
    Now, we need the full force Congress to take action against Trump's lawless power-grab.
    So we've created a new video that shows just one of the eight ways Trump has committed impeachable offenses. Please watch the video, and share it with your friends. Use it as talking points over the holidays.

    We have to keep up the pressure. The establishment has no plan for what happens when Trump fires Mueller, but we do.
    Thank you for taking action this holiday season.
    Tom Steyer

  2. Oh gee, thanks for posting Tom Steyer's BS, a bloody liberal socialist lying crackpot from California. As Trump said, he is "wacky and totally unhinged."
    Can't figure out what his big problem is as hedge funds are actually getting a break under trump.
    But, once again, it is someone from California. That explains it all.

  3. Steyer, a self promoting blowhard who has dreams of being president, and has enough money to push his agenda on TV.

  4. Had a visit from a friend who lives in California, every other sentence out of him was anti Trump even though I avoided all political talk, until I focused on him and said: do you realize he iS our president? Also Californians go around spouting about "Meryl" "Barbara" and "George" like they know actors personally when they'd only be allowed to wipe their feet. So out of touch with reality.
