Thursday, December 21, 2017

FBI Plot to bring down the President

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom told Fox Business that patriots within the FBI are about to go public with huge new revelations that could sink the credibility of the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation. I think the credibility has already been "sunk." After one year, no Russian collusion between Russia and Donald Trump have been exposed.

Kallstrom said that a “5th estate” has been working to sabotage President Trump, lead by “a bunch of sycophants in the FBI” who are guilty of “obstruction of justice”. [InfoWars]

Read about it...


  1. Hey. Did you hear about the people arrested in Alabama trying to rig the election? Yeah, no one but Flag Waving Patriot Blog is reporting it, but it's true. Don't listen to anybody else but FWPB because everyone else tells you the wrong thing.

    I also heard through Dems Are Cool Blog that Trump killed his Doberman Pinscher with his bare hands. No one else dares carry the story, but it's true!

  2. That's what happens to liberals who live in Murry Hills...they should move to Lakeside Point Gardens and get an education.
