Monday, December 18, 2017

Anarchists and the Mueller Witch Hunt

Now the anarchists at are saying that it would be a “constitutional crisis” if Trump were to fire Mueller. They want to hold emergency Nobody Is Above the Law rallies in all 50 states. They choose to forget that there is no Russian-Trump collusion but there is proof that both Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director Robert Muller were actually involved in the embezzlement of U.S. Uranium to the Russians.

Read about it...and the snowflakes at MoveOn.Org

USA Today says, "The most prudent move would be to suspend the special counsel investigation until the Justice Department inspector general’s office and other watchdogs can conclude their investigations into possible illegitimate or illegal actions taken by members of Mueller’s team. Then Congress must be given time to review the conclusions of the internal investigations as well as conclude their own ongoing inquiries."

1 comment:

  1. "...Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director Robert Muller were actually involved in the embezzlement of U.S. Uranium to the Russians."

    Fake news.

