Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Communist - Bernie

When even the most extreme liberal wackjob is coming out against the Democratic agenda, you know your party is finished.

Even an insane, Stalin-worshipping career politician is beginning to see the obvious distraction this phony investigation has become … his fellow moderate Democrats maybe ought to listen to him...“Americans are not staying up every day worrying about Russia’s interference in our election,” said Sanders, issuing his laundry list of things he demands should be provided by the government for free – college, healthcare, universal income, food … basically everything. And, true to his insanity, he took the opportunity to rave yet again against the supremely evil One Percent.” []



  1. Bernie ,Bernie,Bernie. Go get a real job and learn how the system really works.

  2. I like Bernie, but you can't compare Canada to the US. Canada is a huge country, with relatively few people. They have boundless resources, where the US is overcrowded and has virtually used up all of its' natural resources. Canada has more of an ageing population than the US, but the US also has a significant older population. At any rate, while I am not a mathematician, it is plain enough that a country with only 32 million people will have lower medical costs that a country with 320 million. There just isn't enough information in the equation to draw a an accurate comparison.
