Sunday, February 21, 2016

Activists Sue Palm Beach County for violating Public Meetings Laws

Comment Up
Alex Larson

Back about five years ago, our Lake Worth mayor wanted to limit or eliminate public comment during workshops. As she said then, "It is a workshop and this is the only time that the Commission can get things done." Since that time, the public has not been allowed to speak at Workshops.

The policy in Lake Worth on public commentary regarding items on the Consent Agenda (which is a section that should be used for housekeeping items) that sometimes can be upwards to 16 separate items involving a lot of money is two minutes for one or all items. Many items are dumped into this section so that they get little to no discussion.  This is another decision made by Pam Triolo to shut the public up.

Now two county residents, Fane Lozman, whose houseboat was seized by Riviera Beach and destroyed and Alex Larson, (love this lady) are suing  Palm Beach County where they get three minutes to speak on regular agenda items but now are being limited to three minutes total for all on the Consent Agenda.

Read about it...


  1. Go Lane & Alex!
    Hopefully this will set a precedence
    and notice the elected they are there
    by the consent of the governed and not
    to hide critical stuff on the consent agenda!

  2. There are 5 commishes and any of them can withdraw an item from the consent agenda if they wanted to, mostly they don't see a need to.

  3. And THAT'S the problem anonymous @ 1:28
