Friday, September 12, 2014

Response to Lake Worth's attorney from the attorney of the SOE - Setting the Record Straight

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Read the letter from Susan Bucher's attorney to Glen J. Torcivia.  Someone cc'd on the letter obviously forwarded it to the other blogger. 

Renowned attorney, Ken Spillias, sums it all up by saying, "However, with all due respect, and recognizing  the frustration of members of the public and the Commission over the closeness of the City referendum issue, the meeting of the City Commission which occurred on September 5, 2014, was more in the nature of an attack (unfounded and unsubstantiated) on the entire electoral process and those involved in it."

This is the method of operation of our present administration as clearly shown at that meeting and described in Mr. Spillias' letter, not only in this instance but also the personal attacks allowed at a city commission meeting regarding this blogger.

So, how many billable hours paid for by the people were involved in this trumped up smear?


  1. This is the most arrogant commission in the history of Lake Worth., at least since Ive been here for 20 years. What a mess. They really believe that they have a mandate because they ran unopposed. People can't stand this city anymore. Do you notice that the majority of those in the chamber are their supporters. I know one person who won't go. She can't stand the people there.

  2. It is sad that all of this behavior is being encouraged from a very insecure mayor who loves adulation. The commission and its attorney were "dressed down" today. You get dressed down from bullies and all you can to is sit there and take the bull. So, who has the credibility? The mayor should raise the bar on allowable and dis-allowable commentary and stop allowing deputies to stand behind citizens as they are about to speak on something she doesn't don't want out there. Shut up those people who always just have to be heard.

  3. I would guess that half the voters in this last election would agree with that at 5:30. I would rather expect that those in on it are very pleased with themselves now. Is that the best they can do to stop freedom of speech--beat up on someone? Bullies loved it. Promise--I'm not going anywhere. I am motivated more than ever. I believe we should get a transparent government that listens to all of the people, not just their friends. If they don't like what I write or the graphics I use, they can go somewhere else...their choice.

  4. Lynn, I think you should stop spreading half truths, and innuendos. We all know you don't like the mayor, we get it. Now can we get to some real news.

  5. Smackdown!!!!!! City has lost any credibility it may have had. It was an attack and this behaviour needs to be stifled.

  6. Good thing the SOE was made aware of the attacks being made against her office and boards. These types of comments should have been addressed with them directly, not at a public forum where it was all one sided. Of course, this is what usually happens at the City Commission meetings anyway these daze. It seems LW needs more qualified candidates but most don't want to get involved. It is a train wreck with no one trying to stop it!

  7. @7:44--anything I write is not personal. I happen to believe that mayor Triolo can be a lovely person but she is a tiger if you cross her. Crossing her is easy--you simply disagree with her. You can't continue to treat people in the manner she does--by abusing her office and allowing bully tactics. It can't end well. Word spreads.

    Now as far as some "real" news, it depends on what your definition of "real" is. Everything here is predicated on REAL, anonymous...research and REAL findings. The fairy tale has been coming out of city hall. Perhaps now it might change but I won't hold my breath, not just yet.

  8. 9:33. I was told that the bully blogger sent Bucher his video. So, I guess we will have to thank him for sending something to humiliate and that was done to "tear' her down. Of course, it could have been just a public service.

  9. LOL The bully blogger probably did want her to see the meeting thinking he wouldget some more SATISFACTION!!!!

  10. Wow - This letter is powerful!
    The SOE Lawyer lays them out in lavender with the Law & the Truth! I love that the other side offered up this information as if it was a good thing and got a real slap down! It's a good thing when narrow minded bullies are exposed in such a way, on Public Record from a Lawyer. Will they do another video and say they stand corrected and THEY learned their lesson?

  11. How much did it/will it cost (TAX MONEY) for our Lawyer to play these silly games with the SOE Lawyer (ALSO using OUR TAX MONEY)? But oh wait - we're so poor (I know because the MAYOR told US over and over and over we are above Bell Glade and below Rivera Beach) so how can we afford to indulge these delusional people claiming to represent US?

  12. Oh no he dinnint! Torcivia and the Commission/city manager just got royally B$tch Slapped ! And note to the Queen-next time you have such a wine fest -serve some cheese with it, honey !
