Friday, September 12, 2014

Lake Worth City Hall and the Wolfpack Smear

Comment Up

Decorum is gone; Aliens have taken over--Is it Halloween?
Wolfpack smearing and the attempt  to damage a person's reputation for political ends--

The mayor allowed a smear campaign to occur by her operatives during public commentary, attacking another citizen, a blogger, who was in disagreement with her--it all seemed planned and a premeditated effort to undermine an individual's reputation, credibility, and character.

Actually it was in such poor taste, that it is inconsequential. Everyone knows who the bullies are. However, it shows the character of some elected officials who can't take the heat.  Just more bad politics from the dais and this commission.


  1. To the person who attempted to comment, please post under your own name so that I can see about legal recourse. Thanks.

  2. That was pretty pathetic but coming from that group of angry mob mentality it is not a surprise. It is expected to see them stoop to this level as they have no other way to get any SATISFACTION. Maybe they can all get togethet over a beer and sing that Rolling Stones song "I can't get no satisfaction."

  3. Just so everyone can understand- you think you can say or blog anything you want about anyone you want, hiding behind the word opinion but then when there's a backlash against your unseemly public behavior you cry foul?

  4. It's ONLY "unseemly" to you and your buds. I blog about fact and what this commission is doing to you and to me. Glad to know you are oblivious to it all. This commission counts on you.

  5. You have done a very professional job in telling it like it is. Thanks for always being a class act in spite of those who try to bring you down. Can you even imagine if we were stuck with that bully?

  6. This commission needs to grow up. Truth hurts. And your graphics are great. Keep it up, Lynn!!

  7. Lynn, I agree, thank you so much for all you do in this city, you do more for our city and give the people a voice so much more than the mayor, commissioners, CM, Capt, Codes, Postmaster, etc in this city. None of them listen to the public, they are without a backbone, always trying to bully and get back at citizens if they disagree or anyone complains. Thank you for your blog, for caring, for a voice, and loving this city so much that you always publish the right thing, you are a fine journalist and person and Lake Worth and its citizens are lucky to have someone like you here for the people. Shame on all these so called leaders, none of them are real leaders. They don't listen or really care about what the public as a whole thinks. Thanks Lynn, God bless you always, you are the best!What you do is making a real difference in this city, so much more than any of these so called leaders do.

  8. I am curious as to whether the 2 Judges who were apparently disparaged by Mr. Torcivia's remarks are considering initiating a Bar Grievance against Mr. Torcivia? And, will we as taxpayers have to subsidize his defense?

  9. 9:13--Wow! After getting hate mail from some of the mayor's supporters, yours is indeed humbling and welcomed. Thanks so much.

  10. The dais IS celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate (THIEF) Day but NOT Constitution Day! How can they do that when 1. they swear an oath to the Constitution 2. Deny they are stealing but they obviously have a burning desire to celebrate INTERNATIONAL THIEVES DAY! Oh - that was Pirates Day - yeaaahhhh right!

  11. Lynn, you know in your heart you are doing the right thing, so just keep listening to Spirit. You and your blog are the best! Thanks for caring and loving Lake Worth so much!
