Friday, July 11, 2014

Obama finally telling the Truth?

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Noted funnyman and U.S. President Barack Obama reverted to “telling the truth” in Austin yesterday, informing a crowd of easily-amused young people (judging from the backdrop in this video) that he could finally relax on all the lying because he doesn’t have to worry about campaigning – or all the lying that accompanies it – anymore. Oh Really? ... Read more at Personal Liberty.


  1. The crisis at the border now is so grave, those Central American countries are destroyed and all are coming here, you watch and see, we will have three or more new states as part of the USA soon, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras will soon be states in the US, we will need to add more stars to our flag, it may be best to unite anyway, in the future, since Canada and US already are one, use 1 the same area code, I think that all countries in Central and North America may be all one country in the near future, this may be a way to address the border issues. The refugee laws are there, we need to defend our principles and not send people back to danger, we all need to unite, Obama is about uniting, we need to be one, one country, one world united helping those in need. God bless all human beings and their struggles.

  2. So, instead of bringing in the national guard and stopping these people at the border, your solution is to just make Central/South America one America with us? And we end up supporting an entire continent? How would that work when we already have 47 million people on welfare? No jobs out here and we are crumbling because of social policies that are not working and we are devaluing our dollar to pay for it all.

    September 11, 2001 served as pretext to consolidate power, destroy civil liberties and human rights, and wage permanent wars against invented enemies for global dominance over world markets, resources, and cheap labor – at the expense of democratic freedoms and social justice. The Muslims want to rule.

    I believe in democracy, not a new World order and socialism/communism that is nothing more than destruction of freedom. Obama is about destroying our country...all 238 years of democracy.
