Friday, July 11, 2014

Lake Worth, Florida

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Land area in square miles, 2010-- 5.87

A little Trivia:

Housing units, 2010-- 16,473
Total number of firms, 2007-- 5,395
Persons below poverty level, percent, 2008-2012-- 28.6%
Population, 2013 estimate-- 36,000

Homeowner's Rate, 2008-2012-- 51.5%
Number of registered voters, 15,293

According to the latest audit, in 2012 the city recognized $22.0 million in revenue and spent $28.4 million.  Sounds like the federal government but there is one difference here--we can't print money!

With property values down again, it implemented rate adjustments with decreases of $3.2 million in electric, $.5 million in water operations and a decrease of $1.1 million in regional sewer. We ended up spending more in this budget cycle than income received. The commission also voted on settlement of the Greater Bay flam flam man suit and the regional sewer suit with a total expense of $2.4 mil according to the audit.

I could go on and on about this but you see the trend.  We spend more than we receive (and the commission allowed this to happen in 2013/2014 after just going through a $6 mil deficit in 2012/2013) and then it voted to reduce our income potential in the electric utility by reducing the rates by 4.25%.  Why would they do this when we had just spent $6 million more than we had received? City departments want to increase their budgets in the 2014/2015 Budget year and even add more employees which means more expenses in salaries, insurance and retirement benefits. Not one commissioner said "boo" to their requests. AND WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY!

We can't spend our way out of poverty. We can't operate a city on a deficit. We can't spend our way out of debt or tie up the property owners with 34 years of bond debt when we can't even take care of the basics. We need to live within our means. We also need to trust our officials and that gets harder with each passing day and the city's slum, blight and crime is non-stop.


  1. Why do some believe that this is the best commission ever?

  2. Some people still believe in the Easter bunny, crazy as it may seem.

    I can't answer that question but if you market that idea over and over again, chances are that you will have a certain percentage of people believing the hype. They talk a good talk. If you constantly blame past commissions on all of the ills of the city, blaming anyone who disagrees with you as a loser or anarchist, a certain percentage of people will believe it. They count on that.

  3. I'm 32 and a renter but I will not vote for this. I was going to buy a small house but now I don't know what to do. Maybe I will look in Lantana where they don't seem to have these problems. Do you think this tax will pass?
