How many hundreds of thousands of dollars will it cost to incarcerate and prosecute guys like these? How many years, how many lawyers, how many square meals behind bars..? America, wake up. We cannot afford to allow people who've come here illegally to stay. They come here knowing nothing, send most of what they make back to their home countries, and because they are from primitive cultures, they tend to commit crimes of passion like this one. They need to go back.
How many hundreds of thousands of dollars will it cost to incarcerate and prosecute guys like these? How many years, how many lawyers, how many square meals behind bars..? America, wake up. We cannot afford to allow people who've come here illegally to stay. They come here knowing nothing, send most of what they make back to their home countries, and because they are from primitive cultures, they tend to commit crimes of passion like this one. They need to go back.