Friday, June 13, 2014

Transformation of America

HUGE CRISIS--the Communists, Socialists, Criminals, Jihadists and Terrorists are winning. In other words, the BAD GUYS!

In just six years, our country has slipped so far to the left of left--no leadership and we just keep sinking. There is a Christian woman in the Sudan who is sentenced to death because she won't renounce her faith. Please Sign the petition for Meriam Ibrahim. No one can deny that many of the founding fathers of the United States of America were men of deep religious convictions based in the Bible and their Christian faith. And then 232 YEARS later we got Reverend Wright and Obama. The Mid-East is collapsing and being taken over by extreme Muslims who hate everyone and anyone especially gays and women. What does Obama say about it?  He's THINKING about air strikes.

According to Reporters Without Borders, the United States has the forty-sixth freest press in the world (sandwiched between Romania and Haiti), a decline of thirteen spots from 2013. This decline was one of the biggest in the world.

According to the Program for International Student Assessment, the average reading literacy score for U.S. fifteen-year old students is 498 (out of 1000 possible points). That is enough to make the United States rank twenty-fourth out of sixty-five educational systems ranked in that category. Shangai, China, ranked first, with a score of 570. Source:  Ranking America

The above statistics are happening in every category imaginable.

Everything that we fought for over the last 200 years is in vain--all the lives lost for what?  Our principals and our freedoms are being shot down right and left. What does the leader of the free world do? NOTHING--about ANY of it. Fire the national security team as we don't have ANY national security. Is this what you want for our country? Every citizen here should be rip-roaring mad and VERY SCARED.

America Being Transformed Before Our Eyes »
Illegals are flooding across the southern border at an unprecedented rate. There is a refugee crisis in Texas. It's a crisis of President Barack Obama's making, and it's intentional. America is being transformed before our eyes.

Read the rest of the article from Personal Liberty.

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