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Back in 2003, New Times Broward/Palm Beach awarded it the best flea market around. Click here.
Former Lake Worth High School principal, David Cantley, founded the Lake Worth High School flea market in 1987 in order to raise money for various school necessities such as band uniforms, classroom supplies and even prizes to reward children for jobs well done. The $100,000 a year income it generates after expenses has made the difference over the years for a school struggling for funds and for students themselves.
It is located under the I-95 overpass by the Tri-Rail station and operates on
Saturdays and Sundays until 3pm. You will find just about everything
there at a bargain price and at the same time you will be helping Lake
Worth High School and its students with the profits it generates.
One of the biggest things it does is award scholarships to needy students. The 16th Annual Dollars for Scholars Awards Ceremony was held May 7th at
Lake Worth High School in the Tommy Hansen Hall Auditorium and $87,000
was awarded to 58 seniors, $72,000 from the general scholarship fund and
$15,000 from the Barry Grunow Memorial Scholarship Fund. Read about it...
Throughout several decades, the school and the vendors were allowed to operate without hassles. From inception, a business license was forgiven by Lake Worth. But now the city believes it should get a piece of the pie so that they can capitalize off the backs of poor children. Never in the history of Lake Worth High School, founded in 1927, has a Lake Worth city government worked against children to grab a buck.
Read about it...
I remember when Tom Ramissio tried to get a piece of that pie too.
ReplyDeleteTrue, but Mr. Ramiccio was with the Chamber of Commerce then, not an elected official or with the city administration.
ReplyDeleteI saw this in the paper yesterday. Bornstein just doesn't think, that is the problem. He can agree to give away city buildings for a dollar a year and even pay the utilities, but giving kids a break and a poor school a break, no way. Leadership skills on a scale of 1 to 10? Zero. This sounds more like Maxwell jerking him around again wanting to get rid of the brown people.
ReplyDeleteI've never been to a flea market in my life but now I plan on going.
ReplyDeleteTo the guy who just attempted to post, I would have posted it but you resorted to name calling. Let's post an opinion and leave out the rest. Thanks. Try it again. If you think that the city should reap tax by charging these vendors a license at the LW Flea market even though that has always been waived, then just say so.
ReplyDeleteI am very saddened on reading this. The school struggles to always give back to the students, many who come from needy homes. This is a shame of big proportions if the city does this. It will lose business. Moving it to the parking lot is unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteSounds very discrminatory. Does the city charge for other charitable events?
ReplyDeleteI would not classify this as a 'charitable" event. However, it was started with one idea in mind--make some money and give it back to the school and the kids. It has done that very well since 1987. Many kids have gone on to college with scholarship money from this program.
ReplyDeleteBornstein is too busy to think of the kids and this community. He's too busy giving astronomical raises to his do nothing department heads. Read the internal auditors report when it comes out.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bernstein is definitely the person who went to the DOT Ft Lauderdale Office with the purpose of closing the LWHS Flea Market, and he knows it. He and his coharts should be ashamed of themselves for
ReplyDeletehurting the Kids that need a scholarship to go to college as this Flea Market provides. Shame on You Mr Bornstein.
OH, Loretta Sharpe is also behind this closing of The Flea Market as
ReplyDeleteshe is the one who got up at the City Meeting and complained very loudly that they should close down the Flea Market as they didnt have a city Liscense, (which the City in the past had let this go because it was giving to the High School kids.
We have no Representatives! These guys only see we the people as REVENUE GENERATORS! If Bornstein wants money - have the commission take back the CRA and he'll have an open check book, no? We have NO CONTROL OVER THE CRA and this is WRONG WRONG WRONG! Stealing from Kids is EXPECTED form a PIRATE, no?
ReplyDeleteI could never understand why the Mayor of Lantana was so happy to get Mike Bornstein a job with the City of LW, why would he want to get rid of Bornstein if he was such a good
ReplyDeleteCity Manager, now I understand completely.
All these years have gone by without the City bothering the High School Flea Market, as they all knew what the intent was to give the monies to the Kids events, and Scholarships.
ReplyDeleteNow all of a sudden the City wants to hurt the poor kids that need scholarships to go to college.Why would they do this?