Sunday, June 8, 2014

Threats or Free Speech?

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There are so many nut cases in society today. You just never know what will set someone off. Take this city as an example. Disgusting remarks are sent to anyone who blogs or writes an opinion that differs from the nut job's sense of justice.  Normally they don't go too far but rather just want to knock you cold with some double snide whammy based on something in their perverted mind. Usually I don't post them here and try to adhere to blog policy. It is always from the same handful of extreme wackos who obviously were bullies when they were young.

"Messages posted on Facebook and Twitter or sent in emails can be tasteless, vulgar and even disturbing. But just when do they cross the line from free speech to threats that can be punished as a crime?"

Read about it...


  1. One of the dregs as you would put it is little Les Lackman who is knocking you again today. He just can't admit when he is defeated by a superior blogger. He just can't write. No originality. That bully needs a boyfriend to relax, if a guy could stand him and his puffed up self-importance that is.

  2. I think they got bullied when they were young and now taking it out on others.

  3. LOL. it seems that the purpose of the bully bloggers' blog is to personally attack this blogger along with other political enemies. Jo-Ann Golden is one of his favorites who beat him in an election. He is obsessed to the point of it being unhealthy. To mock a senior citizen because of the way she looks by aging is senior abuse. If he has any desire to overcome this unhealthy obsession, he will need to do things to take his mind off of it. For instance, let's say that he believes that I have totally different political ideas and he spends countless hours ridiculing the object of his obsession, he should do everything in his power to break the habit. Get out of his house, talk to a friend, take a bike ride, go to the pool and don't forget the noodle. You get the idea: He needs to remove himself from the situation that is causing his anxiety, and he will start to break the hold it has had on him. Unless, of course, he is just one mean sick SOB. Oh, this too, will then allow him to write a better blog and not be such a revisionist. :)

  4. Feel lucky you don't live where he and his bully buddies can make your life miserable.

    Although the online stuff is bad enough. Jeez.
