Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Dregs in Lake Worth

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They come out of the woodwork and they all seem to live in Lake Worth.

Read about the perverted store clerk on North A Street who fooled around with a little kid. Will spending $131 million on repaved roads help this situation?


  1. Nope!

    The fact that the Gulfstream has been sold to some folks in partnership with Carl DeSantis brings back memories of my years in Delray (wish I had never left).

    They got the dregs out, THEN they worried about the potholes and crap.

    The money to improve the infrastructure came when investors came in and moved the others out.

    They started by concentrating on the positive. The beach, the good bones of the city, etc.

    Delray had a different set of "undesirables".

    And all this "arts" stuff. I guess it's okay, but if you need money to rebuild a city, it's the people who sell and buy art that are the ones with the money.

    Most of the artsy folks I know from other areas of the country agree that there are just too many randomly enforced rules here.

    Technically, LW won't even let you have a "disabled car" in your garage. There goes that old Mustang you wanted to restore.

    People in my neighborhood are so suspicious of each other that it's uncomfortable to live here.

    PBSO concentrates on the wrong things, imho.

    And no, they can't tell the difference between looney, vindictive neighbors who are trying to cause problems and a legitimate complaint.

    They just go with the loudest mouth.

    Jeez, Mr Blackman is not a classy dude!
