Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our Beach - The Beauty and the Beast of it

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and the Beast
and one Dead Tree among several
How does the city overlook dead and dying trees?


  1. Like kids, getting the toy is more important than keeping (Maintaining) the toy! Did the city ever get the Certificate of Occupancy and all the stuff signed off from the builder for the legal use of the Casino? Ever recheck for Rust and when it rains, swimming in the dining room? What's the update on that?

  2. OMG Anonymous! I woke up thinking the same thing about bankrupting LW and forcing us into county rule. We'd have WPB Tall Towers all along the water and instead of 5 reps - we'd get Vana!

    It's the only thing that makes sense!

  3. Purposely bankrupting Lake Worth sounds far fetched-at first. Think about it. Maxwell has set his sights on bigger fish than Lake Worth. Using his League of cities position, he is jockeying himself into position to run for Shelly Vana's seat. Vana is term limited. So Lake Worth is no more (boo hoo) and who gains control ? The county-with Maxwell in a power position to help his greedy little backers rape Lake Worth .They get our beach, our golf course and our waterfront. Along with everything else. Maxwell doesn't pay attention to his own district. Can you imagine how he would flip all of us off as a county Commissioner ?

  4. Do we still have a tree board in this city ? A horticulturist ? We need to code ourselves !!!
