Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lake Worth Alumni Dollars for Scholars

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No one objected to saying the pledge to the flag at this ceremony--they were all proud to be there for another outstanding Sixteenth Annual Awards ceremony, Dollars for Scholars, with $87,000 awarded in scholarships. To date, DFS has awarded $835,700 in scholarships and all recipients must demonstrate financial need.

Other than the Barry Grunow Memorial Scholarship award that goes to students county wide and was set up for aspiring teachers in memory of  teacher Barry Grunow who was shot to death by a student, all the rest of the scholarships goes directly to worthy Lake Worth Community High School students.

Part of the $87,000 included $25,000 in scholarships given out by the Lake Worth High School Flea Market that is open from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday. Founded in 1987 by former high school principal Dave Cantley, it has been an institution and a way to raise extra money for school functions. The flea market takes in about $240,000 in vendor fees annually and makes about $100,000 a year in profit. The school uses the flea market proceeds to buy classroom supplies, books for in-class libraries in order to pay for campus beautification projects and to buy prizes for students who perform well on required tests.

Officers of Dollars for Scholars are:
Dave Cantley, Pres
Paul Blockso, VP
Helen gilmore, Sec
Michael Woods, Treas
Doris Welsh & Paul Blockson, Scholarship Committee
Dennis & Doris Dorsey, Nominating Committee


  1. What a generous group of people. As a graduate of Lake Worth High, I can say that we have the best alumni organization anywhere !Lake Worth High is very lucky to have the flea market to fund things that the students would do without otherwise.

  2. Awesome!!!! Kids need people like this in our communiity.

  3. Not one of those vendors at that Flea Market has a license to operate.
