Wednesday, April 2, 2014

West Construction sues Boynton Beach CRA

Lake Worth based company, West Construction, has done a lot of work for Lake Worth. One of their memorable projects under a different Public Works Director who later wanted to be our city manager, was sidewalk and street repairs on Auburn and Harvard Drives in College Park back in 2010 for a job that was said to be $350,000 over the original amount. West was the low bidder for our concrete work. It was also paid another $196,000 for asphalt.

The Boynton CRA had 3 stipulations in order to be granted the bid: 1) not involved in litigation over the last 48 months 2) have paid liquidated damages for a public project or 3) have incurred cost overruns over 10% of the bid. West is back in the news yesterday because they are suing the Boynton Beach CRA for losing a marina job.

Read about it...

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