Friday, April 4, 2014

Utility companies, Smart Meters and Agenda 21

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FPL submitted a plan to the Florida Public Service Commission. It was modified--Don't try and opt out-- people who don't allow smart meters on their property will be charged by FPL. They will charge you a $95 enrollment fee and you will also have to pay them a $13 monthly surcharge. See Channel 5 for report


  1. Well thank You Lynn - it is my day here! I'm glad this stuff is reaching main stream news so we can at least discuss it! I remember reading this was a voluntary program so how they can charge to OPT OUT is insane! People w/smart meters should get a DISCOUNT (if they dare put the dangerous thing on their home) and those who OPT OUT should stay the same, no? FPL has balls the size of DC and lobbyists who wear them on their noses! It stinks - All of it!
    Besides being a fire hazard they are VERY hackable and now we are finding out the WHOLE Smart Grid SYSTEM can be disabled by anyone of our enemies - easily! UGH! No Double Ugh on this one.

  2. FYI: These are the Digital Meters D#4 has spoken to the utility dept about for the LAST YEAR and "Behavioral Changes"! Your Reps agree We the People" can plug in one thing at a time and go LOOK at OUR NEW INSANELY EXPENSIVE HACKABLE Meter and see our usage! The city Reps on the other hand are paying (Up to $148K) for what every energy business in Lake Worth already knows (solar is sexy?) and that is how to retro fit your home w/the newest and best energy efficient methods and equipment. This is an International Company and they never answered if they hire locals. The $148K is for the AUDIT ONLY and would be applied to the upgrades (guaranteed savings after a Loan or Bond is pulled) if we use them. The contract YOUR REPS signed make US pay if we do and Pay if we don't! Talk about a Sweetheart Deal for Siemens and the screwing of We the People w/out even a little kiss! Define LOCAL Economic Development PLEASE! Ask; Do NOT Tell US what we are getting - Listening after the fact is Stinky Poop! Stop It!

  3. OK, so I watched the whack job and his spiel on not letting the smart meter be installed on your home.

    Just for argument, there have been no concrete facts of harm to health. No measurable harmful radiation emitting from them or they would never have made it through beta testing.

    Have heard one or two causing a fire. Problem is the Utility owns everything right up to and including the meter. That goes for water meter too which strangely enough are becoming digital emitting radio waves that a meter reader can pick up and anyone can hack. I'm sure that too is to help agenda 21 so the NWO can keep tabs on your water usage and send the info to Al Gore to use in his next documentary.

    The guy in the video (un-named of course) with no credentials is blowing cold smoke.

    The only thing that made sense was that the utility companies would be able to monitor usage and set rates higher for prime time or peak usage. But that is what is becoming of our new information based life. As technology advances, it requires less and less human labor thus saving the utility, corporation, government, etc. MONEY.

    Problem that also put thousands out of work.

    That is what the real problem is.

  4. Smart meters are spying on you and invading your privacy in every way possible. They take xrays of everything in the house, monitor your electrical appliances, record and film, tap into your computers and cellphones, cause heart problems, headaches, make you nauseous, cause cancer and numerous other health issues. Educate yourself then educate others. God bless

  5. I think a lot of the smart meter complaint is overblown, but there are certainly privacy issues in that it provides details on when power is being used,etc. Whether that matters to one or not is an issue. Certainly, smart meters will allow peak pricing in a way that dumb meters do not allow. Is that good or bad, again depends on your perspective and your agenda. And finally there are certainly issues with security, our utility systems smart are dumb are especially vulnerable to all kinds of attacks.
