Friday, April 4, 2014

Ballot Referendums need only 10% of the registered voter list

Being involved in a few referendums in Lake Worth, the article in today's Palm Beach Post was of much interest. Palm Beach Gardens' City Council just voted to bring their ballot referendums to 10% to conform to state statute. 

Our Charter reads--
Number of signatures. Initiative and referendum petitions must be signed by qualified voters of the city equal in number to at least fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of qualified voters registered to vote at the last general city election.

As state law supersedes local laws, Lake Worth should do the same.  In the past, those petitioning always gathered 15% so as not to get into a legal entanglement with the City of Lake Worth that loves to challenge its citizens, hold up signed petitions and not move them forward to the Supervisor of Elections office or not honoring a vote at all.  As this city is highly transient as well as politically polarized, petitioning, a right under the United States Constitution, is always a huge challenge.


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