Thursday, April 3, 2014

Peeps are Comin

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Palm Beach County’s 5th Annual Show Opening Friday, April 4, 6-9 PM Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery, 15 South J Street in Downtown Lake Worth--

Peeps, those gooey marshmallow chick and bunny treats, are a decades old tradition at Easter. Within the last twenty years, PEEPS have become a yearly “pun” artistic movement, with displays and exhibits taking place all over the nation. Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery, at 15 South J Street, in downtown Lake Worth, has been part of this tradition for five years. This year the exhibit will take place from April 4th through April 20th. The opening in April 4th begins at 6PM. Mulligan’s Restaurant will provide food samplings. FlowSource will provide exciting entertainment.

Last year, the PEEPS Show was honored to have Bob Born as one of its judges. Born, is the inventor of PEEPS and a longtime winter resident of Palm Beach County. Each year the gallery awards five prizes to non-gallery participants in the show. This year, top prize will be $100 and judged by a local Lake Worth celebrity, Mayor Pam Triolo. The additional four prizes will be judged by the public. Each visitor will be given one token to be placed in a cup by his/her favorite PEEPS display. The top four winners will receive prizes from the PEEPS Company.

Karen McGovern created “The Life of Peep” for the 2013 exhibit. An associate of Ang Lee, (Life of Pi,) saw the exhibit and had it shipped to Lee. 2013’s top prize went to the college of Peeps (Cardinal’s), shown inside the Sistine Chapel, and created by artist Sid Walesh.

This year, watch for the “PEEPS Train” which will be circling part of the gallery. The show is expected to include many PEEPS celebrity appearances, PEEPS fairy tale puns and PEEPS tasty, gooey treats.

Visitors to this exhibit come from as far as Ethiopia, London, Miami and California. For those who could not get enough or the 2013 exhibit, a blog was created, All of the exhibits from this year’s show will be added to the blog.

FlowSource, street performers who juggle, use hula hoops (with lights and fire), stilt walk, paint and recite poetry, will be entertaining under tents outside the gallery. Mulligan’s restaurant, from the Lake Worth Beach Casino, will be under its own tent, outside the gallery, passing out samples of food to Peeps visitors.

The public is welcome to submit entries to this fun exhibit. Contact for an entry application. No exhibit will be turned away. The Gallery wants as many as possible to join in the fun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in "I can't stand Peeps" camp. My kids love them. Yuk !
