Thursday, April 3, 2014

Homelessness - The Big Dilemma

Apostolic Tabernacle, 210 North 'J' Street - Lake Worth, Fl 33460
It now looks closed and when you call the listed number,
you get a very weird message.

Back on April 26, 2013, during a survey a resident said: I believe Lake Worth has way too many rehab and halfway houses. I also have a problem with the local churches and other groups feeding the homeless in Bryant Park (what most outsiders think as they drive by to see the new beachfront??) I do not think the idea of constructing "Affordable Housing Projects" such as the one at 6th Ave will do anything positive for the town. Lake Worth sits on prime coastal land. Why continue to encourage the impoverished to the area? The shopping center at Dixie and South 12th Ave is filthy. Maybe the city needs a fundraiser...I would be happy to contribute $100 to help the city if I knew others would do the same for the sake of improving the community???

The sheriff told this guy to move on

Ronald Reagan said, "What we have found in this country, and maybe we're more aware of it now, is one problem that we've had, even in the best of times, and that is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless, you might say, by choice."

But what about all those who are homeless through no fault of their own? Advocacy is the answer.  It is critical to work with people on the local, state and even the federal levels to bring about positive changes in policies and programs.  We have a serious problem in Lake Worth. Let's help solve it, commissioners. Maybe these people too will be able to afford attending a Spring training game some day.

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