Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter from ROLOH President on developing a Spring training baseball field at John Prince Park - Vote NO

Comment Up

ROLOH Lake Worth [mailto:rolohlakeworth@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:52 PM
To: HValeche@pbcgov.org; jsantama@pbcgov.org; MBerger@pbcgov.org; pburdick@pbcgov.org; ptaylor@pbcgov.org; sabrams@pbcgov.org; svana@pbcgov.org; Andy Amorosoa; Commissioner Andy Amoroso; Commissioner Christopher McVoy; Mayor Pam Triolo; Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell; Lori.Berman@myfloridahouse.gov
Cc: Robert E. Waples; R Silva; celmore@pbpost.com; Channel 12 WPEC
Subject: Spring Training Ball Park - John Prince Park

Dear Neighbors, City Commission and Manager, County Commission,

On the Consent Agenda for March 4th: City of Lake Worth Commission Meeting at 6pm- City Hall: Resolution No. 10-2014 - support a major league baseball training camp at John Prince Park

As the neighborhood directly impacted by this resolution, The Residents of Lake Osborne Heights (500 homes+) we DO NOT support this Resolution and request the City Commission to vote NO.

We point out to our elected officials at the Palm Beach County Commission, that the City of Lake Worth is considering making a recommendation to the County that it is in favor of a baseball stadium without inquiring and/or listening to the residents and neighborhoods that are impacted.

What's in a Ball field? A ball field
What's in a Spring Training Park? A stadium with Large Lights and even worse LOUD SPEAKERS!!!! Calling the Game.

Similar stadiums have games every night.  These games are anticipated to have over 4,000 attendees. Please see the Aggressive schedules at the Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter:  http://rogerdeanstadium.com/schedules/jupiter-hammerheads.html

The Lake Osborne Communities are the directly impacted RESIDENTIAL neighborhoods that will be at a loss for a quality of life with this STADIUM and Spring Training Park.

I'm elected by my neighborhood to represent what is best for us.....In the scheme of this park to place this traffic burden and this noise burden on us without any concern for what our residents want.

6th Avenue South.  Will be crushed with traffic...please see the attached 2006 stats from Roger Dean.  That is a lot of EXTRA ADDED TRAFFIC to 6th Avenue South that can not bear this type of travel.  It is hard enough trying to get out of this neighborhood on 6th Avenue South without getting CREAMED by all the people barreling over the hill from the west to hit I-95 or get across to go west due to all the traffic heading to the Palm Beach State College!  WE HAVE ENOUGH TRAFFIC-- DO NOT ADD MORE!

Mr. MIKE BORNSTEIN, please do us all a favor and buy a house right on 6th Avenue South west of I-95 east of the ball bark and live there for a year before you quote the advantages of having it close to I-95....THANKS for not thinking of us!

This city is ONLY Concerned with what economic benefit that it will get out of this deal on its eastern side with no regard to us on the TRUE WEST SIDE.  Besides, do you really need an Ordinance to show support?  Just ridiculous.

Last but not least, we appeal to these teams that think this is the perfect location that you understand the impact you will have on our neighborhood?  WHY should our neighborhood once again be a dumping ground for everything development.  We have been fighting for our rights for so many years and now you wish to camp in our back yard.  We have a neighborhood meeting coming up on Tuesday, March 11th and if you would want to come and speak to us...please let us know ASAP so we can have a turn out worthy of you to come and share.

Robert Waples - President
Proudly serving the Residents
Of Lake Osborne Heights
(561) 909-8708


  1. A bit over the top huh Robert Large lights, loud speakers, aggressive schedules( guess that means a lot of games),creamed by people( you know those money spending types). We need some economic benefit and the property is near you, so get off your pity pot and join in what could be the best thing to ever happen to this city. Your letter stinks of anywhere but my backyard.

  2. This letter makes me sad. I'm sad because without knowing all the facts one neighborhood has already decided that they don't want something that could have a major positive economic impact on our city which is on the verge of bankruptcy. It's time that we all take a step back and look at what this could really mean for our city and how it could work to our benefit. Instead we quickly come to conclusions without knowing all the facts.

  3. Beautiful letter FROM an actual REPRESENTATIVE of the People!

    "Ask; Don't Tell" is my mantra for
    good reason. All the people's power was rearranged by THIS COMMISSION.
    (16/17) Boards torn down and recreated in their image. Ordinances (unenforceable or made up law) that fly in the face of their OATH of OFFICE! (Why cops can't or won't enforce?) This group celebrated Intl. talk like a pirate (Thieves) day OVER Constitution day! What a poker (poke) tell!

    This item on Consent (NO PUBLIC COMMENT) is BEYOND ridiculous it's "in your face" shut up sit down and take it! Now you know how the unheard feel and why the news is called!

    Well Robert, you rock!
    Ask; Don't tell and move the CM to 6th ave are great starts, then back to 3 min comment time (a lot of others in PBC give 3-5 minutes!) Elect your rep IN YOUR DISTRICT and enough w/the unelected unaccountable incomplete boards w/unconstitutional powers!
    Commissioners - take back the CRA and get it out of OUR TAX BASE and put them where needed! Look up TIF funds. Commissioners get 5.6 m CRA got 23 M (limited) but who's the boss here. At least the hookers dress for the job and make an honest transaction. Your elected reps get on their knees in hopes of blowing the giver of grants at EVERY GOV LEVEL! This bunch thinks your too stupid and they know better. It's ALL taxpayer money and MANNERS asks and never tells!

  4. The best sentence in Robert's letter is "It's just ridiculous."

    That says it all. It shows how premature this commission is to make a resolution in support of something of this magnitude when there has been NO public discussion, no studies on impact to the community, the tax burden or the cost, and NO Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners support.

    It also just shows how this commission is FOR any development (their cure-all)of any kind no matter the consequences and have no intention of ever getting resident feed-back on anything.

    Don't worry though--it ain't going to happen!

  5. This city manager and commission put too much importance on the downtown bar-life as needed for a successful city.

  6. This stadium is the perfect thing to jump start the Park of Commerce. It's closer to 95, won't take precious park land and won't impact an established neighborhood. How 'bout it guys???????

  7. I have not seen one idea, one recommendation that will support economic growth from anyone. Yet I constantly see complaints that things need to improve. Well folks, there is no money to improve anything without growth. If your against this project at this early stage your agenda is simple. Keep Lake Worth in the hole it's in because deep down, the blight and crime really don't bother you. You're happy the way things are. If not step up to the plate and tell us how you would come up with the money to fix things.

  8. Yeah, right. That's your political answer to everything. If we don't agree with you, then we are the problem. You should be a fiction writer or perhaps a politician.

  9. Why are we being asked to vote against something that no one has seen yet in terms of a plan or design?

  10. Why is this city commission going to vote FOR a resolution in support of a training stadium when they have not yet seen a plan or design or any of the particulars? Or even support from the County?
    The problem here is that we are not being asked to vote for or against...it is the commission jumping the gun with no public input from the neighborhood of any kind. They are the only ones voting tonight to support a major league training field and stadium adjacent to our city limits and directly across from a major neighborhood.
    The Resolution is one of the commission's more stupid ideas.

  11. I have friends that live right next to Roger Dean stadium in Jupiter. Many times we have walked over (less than 10 minutes walking) to the stadium to watch a game. Its so much fun. Never once has noise, lights or traffic become a nuisance to them.

  12. I'm writing in Robert Waples for mayor on my ballot!!

  13. The City Commission should vote to tell the county to stick the stadium up its you know what. We don't need anything from anyone. I say there is nothing wrong with being the poorest city in the county this close to the ocean. We renter represent over 50% of the citizens of this city and the last thing we want is our rent going up. No hotel, no stadium, no nothing is what works for me. Now that's smart.

  14. Let's see. Palm Beach County has publicly stated they want to keep spring training in the county. That entire area is depressed and definitely needs a boost. If the project is approved it's going to benefit a lot of people, and spark private investment in Lake Worth including along Dixie Hgwy. But because Mr. Waples has been elected to represent 500 people they think that's going to stop a project that is going to benefit thousands? Just a little bit selfish. You clowns have embarrassed yourselves in front of the PBC commission so many times AND now you think they're going to listen to the same Lake Worth misfits?

  15. Did Mr. Waples pole the residents of his neighborhood before writing this?

  16. Every Individual, Everywhere in the city should have input. It's why our Constitution (The one our elected swear to) GUARANTEES a Representative Form of Government.

    2 strikes here.

    No Public Input and a Resolution on Consent where YOU/WE the PEOPLE CAN NOT COMMENT ON unless the powers that be pull the item (NOTE: A citizen can pull from consent at the county) for discussion.

    No one liked it when Bush said he was the decider and like it even less when a local rep tries to pull the same thing!

    "Ask; Don't Tell!"

  17. 11:15? Can you just debate this without the name calling?

  18. Finally some real conversation!

    Debate is very healthy and good for everyone so I personally appreciate the input and could care less if you agree or disagree with the letter but yes I poled my people through several sources and thus a letter has been sent.

    Keep the comments coming and especially those who regardless of how you feel one way or the other.

    The only thing I can really say here is SIGN YOUR NAME AND OWN YOUR WORDS

    Robert Waples

  19. 11:15 it's not just 500 homes in Mr. Waple's NA but all those who live in Murry Hills, around 560 families, all those at Lakeside Point Gardens, another 260 families and all those who live in houses up and down the lake. You are talking about a lot of people just in that location--several thousands. Then you have people who live off of LW Road so add another few hundred there. What about those who live across from the college? Add several hundred there.

  20. "Did Mr. Waples pole the residents of his neighborhood before writing this?"

    More importantly ,did our elected officials bother to pole the residents of the impacted neighborhood? No, they did not! Katie Mcgiveron Vice president of the ROLOH neighborhood

  21. I have a house on Snowden Dr. Not far from 6th Ave. S. No one asked me what my opinion is about this new community divider. I’ve lived in the county all my life. For the last 10 years or so. I’ve watched our roads decay, I’ve seen our reserves depleted and our property values and tax base shrink to where we couldn’t sustain ourselves if we didn’t have our overpriced utility. I remember hearing people say they didn’t want to see the above mentioned condos built in a predominate S/F area when they were being proposed. Does this sound familiar? They said it would bring more traffic into the area, much of which driven by drivers with declining vision and reflexes, put more pressure on our public services. Now it seems that some of those people who are now complaining that some people might find this opportunity to bring into our area affordable, outdoor entertainment to the area, without having to get in a 4,000 lbs fossil burning vehicle and drive to Jupiter or PSL to watch a baseball game with our kids and grandkids not what THEY WANT in their back yard. Yes, ballparks use night time lights, have public address systems and will bring some additional traffic into the area for 30 minutes before and after the game is over, but most of the games are over around 10pm. Even for an AARP eligible person like myself, it’s not all that late. Let’s all try and have open-minded conversation on this and think about the greater good of our community and not just what we might personally want to happen.

  22. When were the above mentioned condos built, anonymous? There was never any hype against building these condos. We may have declining vision and reflexes but our minds are intact.

    I agree, an open-minded discussion is exactly what should be done if there is anything to discuss. At this point, it's not on the table...it's only a suggestion by some lobbyist.

  23. Anony at 3:56. I don't believe a word that you wrote. You live in college park or are some slumlord somewhere.

  24. I say let them buy the land needed, not park land.
    Scott Maxwell once pushed for the landfill to be ball fields, or put it in the park of commerce with a big hotel next to it.
