Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Downtown "catalysts” that failed to catalyze.

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As University of Chicago economist Allen Sanderson memorably put it, “If you want to inject money into the local economy, it would be better to drop it from a helicopter than invest it in a new ballpark.”

Read more... on why mayors love sports stadiums.


  1. I love baseball, butMarch 4, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    Great Article Lynn! Hopefully everyone will read it - eye opening and another intelligent perspective.

    'The “edifice complex” predisposes them to build big, shiny structures—which can display a plaque bearing your name more easily than, say, reduced kindergarten class sizes. Then there are the perks that accrue to those who befriend team owners, like getting to throw the first pitch or entertain donors in your own luxury box.'

  2. Why don't you engage in the real world. Drive up to Jupiter and see how many tourists spending money attend St. Louis Cardinals spring training. Washington D.C. and Houston are loaded with wealthy people that love to come to south FL. to spend their money in February and March.
    But the dreamless naysayers now have something else to mount a fight against. Time to feel good about yourselves again for saying no.

  3. That's all you guys can do--take snide remarks. Everyone is entitled to an opinion in the "real' world.

  4. to 10:50 am. did you take the time to read the entire post? your points are valid but so are those in the attached artical.

  5. I will always feel good about myself for standing up to greedy developers and their political friends who seek to destroy what makes Lake Worth a special place to live. Thanks!!
