Friday, March 7, 2014

Florida SB224 Nicotine Dispensing Devices

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CS/CS/SB 224: Nicotine Dispensing Devices

GENERAL BILL by Appropriations ; Regulated Industries ; Benacquisto ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Latvala ; Sobel ; Flores ; Gibson ; Bradley ; Dean ; Braynon
Nicotine Dispensing Devices; Prohibiting the gift of sample nicotine dispensing devices to persons under 18 years of age; prohibiting the selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or giving of nicotine dispensing devices to persons under 18 years of age, to which penalties apply; prohibiting persons under 18 years of age from possessing, purchasing, or misrepresenting their age or military service to purchase nicotine dispensing devices; requiring certain signage where a dealer sells nicotine dispensing devices, etc.
Effective Date: 7/1/2014
Last Action: 3/6/2014 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/11/14
Location: On Special Order Calendar
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF


  1. Why does the city allow this SH*&& in our town? Oh, that's right, Amoroso sells funky stuff himself.

  2. Coasters Coffee House also sells them.

  3. Coasters is another problem. They have outside tables and chairs blocking the sidewalk. Sure hope the city doesn't close that alleyway behind them that goes into the public parking lot from j Street.

  4. CIGARETTES are Nicotine Dispensing Devices!!!
