Saturday, March 29, 2014

Crime on Lake Avenue

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This morning there was a stabbing on Lake Avenue...
blood all over the place. The guy was dead.
In spite of the sign alerting potential criminals that they will be video taped, it was not a deterrent in this case.

Crime is prevalent in this area.
Also, the city says it is concerned about this gateway that leads into
 our main business district but nothing is ever done
 to clean up this area.
People still hang out on the street.
We have all sorts of "pride" going on.
 What about this high crime area of our city?


  1. I don't see it as a problem, actually to me is more of a solution... another scum bag the takes the eternal dirt nap... will no longer depriving other of good air to breathe...

  2. Can you tell us what you mean by "pride"
