Saturday, March 29, 2014

Bees Knees closing in Lake Worth

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Well, we've lost another business. This time electeds can't blame it on a past commission. Is it brinkmanship in Washington? Very few people believe that the economy is improving. See CNN poll


  1. Actually this time you can blame it on the Landlord, he refused to renew the lease.

  2. Can't confirm or deny your anonymous post. The owner is in Hawaii and the store closes today.

  3. Very sad. The owner probably wants to put in another bar into our downtown. He can charge a higher rent and this commission and administration will be thrilled to have another watering hole where they can quench their mighty thirsts !

  4. My understanding is that the owner asked repeatedly that Bees Knees stop using the sidewalk for display of multiple items and they constantly ignored his requests.
    This may have been the reason for non-renewal.
