Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What we expect of a President by Allen West

Written by Allen West

Presidents’ Day is the perfect day to consider what we expect of a president.

Are we satisfied with a president who receives the dubious distinction of “Lie of the Year?” Are we content with a president who has had, on numerous occasions, his name and picture appear beside Pinocchio caricatures in the Washington Post due to his constant “mis-speaking” — er, lying? (And message to liberal detractors: this was supposed to be a new era, with the most transparent president and administration, so let’s talk about today, and not beat the worn out ol’ scapegoat of presidents past.)

I remember the indignation displayed by President Obama in 2012 at the UN General Assembly regarding the crude anti-islam video he blamed for the “spontaneous demonstration” resulting in the deaths of an American ambassador and three other Americans.


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