Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Lake Worth bends over backwards for downtown businesses

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The downtown businesses say they are hurting. The merchants are trying everything within their power and persuasion to attract more business.  They even formed a new downtown merchant's association, the MOD Squad. They already have a political advocate on their side, Commissioner Andy Amoroso, who owns a downtown business. How much more clout can you ask for?  William Waters has already solved the ADA issue but now it's a city owned alley up for grabs. The city has had discussions about closing it in order to provide seating to adjacent restaurants by renting the space. I never see standing room only at CJ's or any restaurant for that matter.

One thing that we do know by this photograph is that this business is in violation of two city ordinances: Right Of Way Permit and Sidewalk Cafe. Before any business gets a special favor, can they at least prove they will  operate within our ordinances first?

Closing all the alleys in the world won't encourage more visitors to our downtown until we get rid of slum, blight and crime along with the homeless who are scattered about, panhandling downtown businesses and their customers.


  1. What gives? This totally contradicts your claim the downtown is "bustling and thriving". You're wrong again. never would have seen that happening.

  2. The downtown is bustling and thriving in MY EYES. Business owners, might have a different view and expectation than those of us who actually visit and support it.

    Go take a nap, anonymous. The only thing you have perfected is the snide remark.

  3. That space has struggled under several owners. In my opinion it is simply way too big and trying to be both a sports bar, a music bar and a restaurant.

    But putting that aside the City should not be considering giving away any right of ways, alleys, roads, etc. Looking at the current perspective, giving away that alley way will further doom the pay parking lot (isn't the City supposed to be getting some of that revenue) and giving away City roads and right of ways sets a very poor and bad precedent. I work in downtown WPB, not too long ago the City of WPB gave away part of South Olive in front of one of the big new condos which now uses it for valet parking. As a result, visitors, residents, etc. can no longer go South on So. Olive rather they have to go around the block and double back or they cut through an office building garage, my office building garage. Every day when I am leaving or arriving I am nearly hit by drivers using private property as a new public thru way (despite all the signage barring same).

    So it might sound like a nice idea now but has the great potential to create problems down the road and then every business owner will want the City to give up some public land for them.

  4. Amen, poster at 6:09.
