Sunday, February 16, 2014

Personal responsibility? Waz dat?

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Actually people don't even have to ask anymore. The companies that are all part of this government giveaway are going around asking them..."do you want a free phone? It's easy as pie...just sign right here."

What a scam on the government taxpayer. We are a welfare country and we are out of money.  We have to borrow to stay alive.  Now it is giving free cell phones to those on food stamps.  If you have an EBT card, voila--350 minutes all paid for by the working stiff. In fact, they won't even bother checking to see if you are qualified.  This company was part of the Bryant Park homeless scene yesterday that was being fed by the church.

1 comment:

  1. Next election I'm going to elect people that will allow me to keep more of the money that is mine. MINE ! If I want to donate my money to a charity, I will. Next time you see a panhandler by the side of the road, roll down your window and politely ask- I didn't get enough hours at work this week. Can I please have ten dollars from you ?
