Sunday, February 16, 2014

Literally falling into a Pit

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Located in front of the Scooter Store in the 1800 block of Dixie Highway, this open area has been unchanged since it was first reported well over a year ago. Recently a little boy fell into it and hurt himself. What is it and why isn't it covered?

What does it take in Lake Worth?

The City covered this one with plywood. Too many people walking in that area.


  1. Lynn,

    I believe that the hole you pictured belongs to the electric utility group. They are "handholes" used for the decorative street lighting system. They are used as termination points to connections for the wiring to energize the lights. If you look they are installed all along in the paver sidewalk just for that purpose. I'm 99% sure that is what it is utilized for. Call dispatch and report it and they can tell you, they have someone working today, call and report it and request a call back who it belongs to.

  2. The downtown plywood repair is in the CRA district.
    It's beyond time for the CRA board members to step up to the plate and maintain properly their paver installation. There are dangerous irregularities from Dixie to Golfview.

  3. This is all to common to our city, along with ill-repaired potholes guaranteed to fail within three month's, downtown,s in your face graffiti and the pushy-right in your face- homeless snowbird population.

    Now the people that the city contracts for say, the utilities work, on-going a few blocks north of d/town: just take a look at what they've done to the once pristine and only concrete alleyway in LW.
    They've painted non-removable markers for all the underground systems [and anything else that they can think of], cut an apprx. 16 " trench at either end of the alley, and roughly filled it back in with freaking COLD PACK, the #1 product for lazy, short-term asphalt repair [unless, god forbid, it's done CORRECTLY].
    Old city cut-out's of the concrete set the bar, but no matter, their heavy equipment simply crushed these old repairs [done with semi-hot asphalt]and left the fragments in place.
    Where are the inspectors, code ? This is CONTRACT WORK and entirely unacceptable.
    Residents of these town-homes located between second and third north and L St. should be contacting lawyers, forget the city or channell 12. It's law suit time again.........

  4. Maybe if those that are injured by this hazards due start suing the City they will start taking responsibility. There is a stretch of road that I walk regularly, north of 13th, I think on North O, where there is a stretch of potholes. The city recently filled in half, but only half. I can't figure out why or how they picked them. Its the most bizzaro thing in the world, they didn't pick the north half or the south half, it appears that they just picked, randomly, half to fill and half to not fill.

  5. These handholds have been reaired by the LWU thank you for informing but as previously stated when these items are found contact the Dispatch Center so that the proper departments can be notified and get these repairs made.
