Thursday, February 27, 2014

Junks being junked in Lake Worth

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We have talked before about this abandoned vehicle at 419 3rd Avenue South. The licensed tag is expired and it was dumped on our street last year. It was yellow tagged on January 28, 2014 after being featured on Lynn's little bit of Trivia on January 20. The owner had 72 hours to get it off the streets. The PBSO says that this is a city code problem and that the city has a relationship with towing is their responsibility to remove the car. This all might be true but please refer to the County and City codes below.

We have become a dumping ground for junk cars. The City has all the tools in its possession to now clean up the slum, the blight and the streets.

The vehicle has 4 flat tires.
Cited by the city on 1-28-14

COUNTY (f) Whenever any Law Enforcement Officer receives a report of or finds a vehicle that is without a current license tag or inspection sticker standing on the public right-of-way, the owner will be notified to remove the vehicle. After 24 hours the officer will treat it as an abandoned vehicle and remove it immediately. (Ord. No. 01-9, §§ 1, 2, 3-20-01)

CITY Inoperable motor vehicle. A vehicle which cannot be driven upon the public streets for reason including but not limited to being unlicensed, wrecked, abandoned, in a state of disrepair, or incapable of being moved under its own power. Motor vehicles. Except as provided for by Florida Statute or other City of Lake Worth ordinance, no inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked, kept, or stored on any premises. (Ord. No. 2009-27, § 2, 10-20-09; Ord. No. 2012-03, § 2, 1-3-12; Ord. No. 2013-04, § 3, 1-8-13)


  1. I had the same problem with the crashed car on North O, just off Lucerne. It didn't have a tag at all, was demolished and sat on our streets in the middle of our downtown for almost two months.

    Isn't it amazing that we pay more than half our budget to PBSO and they won't enforce our street/traffic ordinances. When you call the city they say call PBSO when you call PBSO they say call the City. Come on, a crashed car on a street really ought to fall under PBSO. Why do we pay them so much money and they won'e do traffic enforcement for us? Its not like we have some other police department to enforce these laws.

  2. Well, neither the city or county are doing their jobs then, there has been an older model white Mitsubishi Eclipse parked on 2nd Avenue North between D and E Streets with no tag for a year now or more and it just sits, cops drive by daily and do nothing about it. These city and county laws you cited Lynn are being ignored by the people in power, are city is a dumping grounds no one cares about it, leaving all these abandoned vehicles all over, the same for uncared for and blighted and boarded up buildings, God knows we have enough of those too, just look at 1306 and 1320 Lucerne Ave just a block away from this abandoned car, blight breeds more blight as Katie says in the news report, it is true. We need to make things come alive, clean things up, make things looks nicer for us here. We need more caring residents who take responsibility for their property and don't subject others to their blight and lack of responsibility. Can you turn this car into the powers that be too Lynn?

    "COUNTY (f) Whenever any Law Enforcement Officer receives a report of or finds a vehicle that is without a current license tag or inspection sticker standing on the public right-of-way, the owner will be notified to remove the vehicle. After 24 hours the officer will treat it as an abandoned vehicle and remove it immediately. (Ord. No. 01-9, §§ 1, 2, 3-20-01)

    CITY Inoperable motor vehicle. A vehicle which cannot be driven upon the public streets for reason including but not limited to being unlicensed, wrecked, abandoned, in a state of disrepair, or incapable of being moved under its own power. Motor vehicles. Except as provided for by Florida Statute or other City of Lake Worth ordinance, no inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle shall be parked, kept, or stored on any premises. (Ord. No. 2009-27, § 2, 10-20-09; Ord. No. 2012-03, § 2, 1-3-12; Ord. No. 2013-04, § 3, 1-8-13) "

  3. You are right, too the PBSO are often bad role models, they do not use signals when they turn, don't stop and stop signs, do not enforce a lot of offenses, like driving with open bottles of liquor, so many bikers put the rest of us and their lives at risk as they do not obey traffic laws for bikes which are the same for cars, and the PBSO do not enforce this in our city where we have a lot of bikers. The PBSO needs to be more active, they need to be role models, and they need to care more. Instead of hiding out over by the golf course until they are called to a shooting or crime int he hood, they need to have more presence in the hood, they are not present enough int he areas that need them, they avoid the problems as it is easier for them to do so. The PBSO should be enforcing both the county and city laws here, they need to do more, I agree with the poster above.

    "When you call the city they say call PBSO when you call PBSO they say call the City. Come on, a crashed car on a street really ought to fall under PBSO. Why do we pay them so much money and they won'e do traffic enforcement for us? Its not like we have some other police department to enforce these laws."

  4. 1.24 anon - if you call multiple times a week regarding the mitsubishi, call pbso and city, it will eventually be taken care of. Took me about 8 weeks of calls and emails, I also emailed my commissioner, Andy Amoroso, many times. I never got a response from Andy but maybe he asked someone to address the problem. I emailed streets and parking a bunch of times too. A couple of my neighbors also emailed.
