Thursday, February 27, 2014

801 Lake Avenue

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The city put up with the graffiti for six months on this building.  The owner never would paint it over so a private citizen did it for him. Now it has a hole in the exterior wall that has been there for over a month.

Will someone call the owner?


  1. I just called him. His voice mail is full.

  2. at 11:18 Me too - voice mail full. Is there a new ordinance to cover this? Perhaps if we all emailed this shameful property owner something might get done! I am going to! Thanks Lynn for the phone and email, let's drive this guy crazy with complaints!

  3. Why is it that the homeowner would most likely be cited within 48 hours yet a business owner gets away with 6 months?

  4. Oh the City will pass another ordinance but never enforce it. That's what this administration seems best at.

  5. John, please no home owner would be cited for this. Code does nothing. You can have piles of tires and other trash rotting in your front yard and they won't open a case.

  6. Mike, your voice mail box is STILL full. How do you expect to lease this building? MORON.
