Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Rock Stars

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There was nothing much on Tuesday night's agenda and there are actually some people who think this is a good thing--they get to leave the commission chamber early and go do what they like to do.  It is not keeping the residents informed...that is not part of the agenda.

The one item that was pulled OFF the agenda was the $224,000 yearly contract for five years with Level One LLC for utility billing processing, printing and mailing services that was approved by the Electric Utility Advisory Board. No explanation was given as to why this item was deleted. The commission either believes 1) that it does not have to give an explanation or 2) it can't be bothered--just one more thing off their plate to get out early. It wasn't that long ago when they condemned the Utility for such a thought of outsourcing anything. Even the idea of becoming more proficient through out-sourcing was a bad idea.

Back in September 2012, it was strongly recommended that we outsource our Utility Customer Service department to finally whip that department back into shape. We were going to save 1/2 million dollars the first year alone. Instead we had to hear political mumbo jumbo from the trio commissioners who are now up for re-election. McVoy and Mulvehill were FOR outsourcing.  This "business-minded" Trio inferred that it was the Utility Director's fault for having lousy customer service, etc., etc. etc. Outsourcing anything then was one big horrible decision or so they said...unions to deal with and loyalty to employees even if they couldn't do their job.

When it came to the City Manager Report, none was report is EVER given by the city manager.  Keeping people in the dark is the business of this administration.  But they may have something there--very few people care because if they did, they would question and they don't. They still follow the trio like sheep or rock stars--take your pick.


  1. Pick between a sheep or rock star? That's a hard one.

  2. Most people don't trust politicians and feel that even if they speak up, their voices fall on deaf ears. They feel that attending the city commission meeting is a waste of their time, for the above mentioned reason.

  3. Clay Lindstrom just responded to my question on why it was pulled-


    Some back-up material was missing from the contract documents; an oversight on the part of purchasing.


  4. Bornstein plays guitar. Must be a rock star.

  5. Thanks Lynn for caring and bringing all of this up. Right most people feel that the politicians and leaders diss us and do not listen or heed our input, so they give up, maybe that is what politicians want all very sad. We need to stay on their assess though and email them and write all the time, remind all here of there emails and telephone numbers.

    As far as the city manager, he is a sad soul. Like clemens who in a band, they think that charm is all they need to succeed, whether they really have to be effective is another issue altogether. Our mayor and comm should mandate the cm have a report weekly, I am afraid that most in office now won't be re-elected as they are not making the cm to be responsive to citizens, it will hurt them, it looks bad, shows how Bornstein really is not very effectively, probably just riding in Lantana doing little.

    We all deserve better here in Lake Worth, thanks for caring Lynn, keep up the great work and care for us and our great little city, stay on their tails please.

    "When it came to the City Manager Report, none was report is EVER given by the city manager. Keeping people in the dark is the business of this administration. But they may have something there--very few people care because if they did, they would question and they don't. "

  6. So Szerdi is not part of them, it is not a quartet Lynn? So only Pam, Andy, and bully are the three part of the trio? I thought John was in there with them? Just wish that your looney comm. in Dist 1 would do something about all the blight like he promised. He is another looser politicians that says he will address blight and make it his priority yet never has done a damn thing. Scott needs to go, he will go down in history as a real looser for us like Bo Allen. A couple of hot heads who do nothing but shout and use profanities well and get all hot and bothered and worked up on the dias. We need more effective leaders all around.

  7. John Szerdi is not running this time and he was not a part of being against outsourcing in 2012.

  8. Most people do care, but most people are busy working, caring for family, etc. More than half the time I am still at work when these commission meetings start. I do try to attend them if there are important issues, but it is time consuming and it is frustrating to appear for a meeting and then have the issue pulled from the Agenda, that has happened multiple times.
