Monday, December 30, 2013

The Homeless

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Homeless congregating at Bryant Park

Back in the 1980's during Ronald Reagan's term, there was a lot of attention given toward the homeless in America by the left media and liberal Democrats. You would read about it every day, accusing Reagan of actually inventing "homeless." Since the Clinton administration you rarely hear about the homeless and their deplorable problems. The liberal left have been virtually silent. According to government data, the number of homeless has gone down.

Now even the homeless are disgusted with Obama wondering why he wants to give amnesty to 11 to 33 million illegals along with healthcare, you name it, when all they want is a roof over their heads. They want their problems to go away. Obama is sending billions to other countries...what about something done about the homeless in America.


  1. as the temps drop in our northern states the mobile homeless will migrate to the warmer climate states so, expect our homeless population to grow. Naturally some of them will bring crime and other low grade trouble which will put a higher workload on our keepers of the peace. what plan of action do our city leaders along with the local policia have to stop/curb/deal with the trouble which is coming our way. Its just a matter of time and drop in temperature. I hope they use the 6 P's method.

  2. The homeless issue is a complicated problem. You mention Reagan, he was a big part of closing the public psych hospitals across the country. The idea was that with the improvement in medication, more homeless could be treated in community settings. Sadly, though the money that went to psych hospitals didn't follow to community treatment, and the budget for community mental health and homeless services is cut every year by both parties.

    Immigration reform likely doesn't hurt these guys as most can't work. But you are correct that immigration reform suppresses wages and takes jobs from low wage citizens. And, again immigration reform is an idea embraced by both the left and the right. The National Chamber of Commerce (a very right leaning org) and big business (again leans right and supports Republicans) want immigration reform b/c more low wage or minimum wage workers adds to their profits. Look at Wal-Mart, a hugely profitable company that mostly supports Republican candidates. They are very much form immigration reform Wal-mart adds to their profits by keeping wages low, then they shift the costs of their employees to the public, you and me the tax-payers, pick up costs for Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Middle class tax payers end up subsidizing the profits of this huge company and their stock holders including the billionaire Walton family.

  3. Yes, the Chamber does believe in comprehensive immigration reform. They are asking for realistic options to a broken system. Can't stand the Chamber actually. And I agree with you that both the left and right want to solve this problem that never should have happened to begin with.

    The Homeless is a huge problem. I have always said that there are many of us who are only a paycheck away from it. When you have a recession as we did, so many corporations out-sourcing manufacturing jobs, etc. and companies not hiring because of costs (now they have Obamcare to deal with), it could be anyone of us who could lose their jobs. Corporations need bigger tax breaks and need to develop jobs in this country in order to get that break. We must create jobs.

    We already talked about Walmart on this blog whose avg worker pay is about $12.83 an hour if I recall. What should stock boys make? cashiers?

  4. I think a big rich corporation like Wal-Mart ought to pay enough to its employees so that the tax-payers are not subsidizing wages. What does that mean, well look at the parameters for food stamps, for Medicaid, etc. A person working 40 hours a week should receive a pay check that keeps them off the dole. Why should you and me and the rest of the middle class help Wal-mart subsidize its employee pay.

    At the end of 2012, there were 3,216 Wal-Mart employees who were enrolled in Wisconsin public health care programs, more than any other employer. Add in the dependents of Wal-Mart workers and the total jumps up to 9,207.
    Factoring in what taxpayers contribute for public programs, the report estimated that one Wal-Mart supercenter employing 300 workers could cost taxpayers at least $904,000 annually.

    If you mean, thru your reference to the stock clerk, that teens should be paid less. I'm ok with that, look at what Australia does, they have a tiered pay for teen workers and adult workers.

  5. I think tiered pay is a good idea, at least from what little I know about it.
