Monday, December 30, 2013

Rick Scott on Pensions

Governor Rick Scott, not only an advocate for smaller government, but also a leader and manager who knows that retirement costs in Florida are unsustainable.

He instituted, along with the Florida legislature, policy that requires Florida state employees to contribute 3 percent of their salaries toward their retirement fund. He is leaning towards the elimination of the traditional pension plan for new public employees and instead offer them a retirement plan similar to 401(k) programs used in the private sector. This is good, sound policy.

Unions didn't like it nor did Democrats but Scott eventually won in court in what some say is a rare legal victory. The State's Supreme Court, in a 4/3 decision, upheld a 2011 law that reduced state employees' earnings by 3 percent and they must contribute to their retirement. Read the ruling for Scott v. Williams here.

Read about Rick Scott's Evolution at Daytona Beach News.

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