Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sick Satanists - Right in your face

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I don't know how it all happened but the bizarre and absurd have taken over traditional thought, decisions and the law.  It might just be the liberal courts packed with liberal judges over the past five years.  All I know is that common sense has totally been unraveled by fringe or minority groups and liberals.

Take the Satanic Temple as an example.  They now want to have an exhibit at our Florida capitol building depicting a fallen angel. The Florida government says it is gross and offensive.  Every little weasel is coming out of the woodwork demanding their free expression during the most important religious holiday of the year. The sick perverted minority demand a voice and this is all part of the war on Christianity.

The majority of Americans identify themselves as Christians and about 15–20% have no religious affiliation and include not only atheists but fringe sub groups such as satanists. There are  246,780,000 (79.5% of the Population) who are Christians in the United States.

The Satanist Temple describes itself as "natural aestheticians who revel in the grandeur of human artistic, architectural achievements while also often drawn to the idiosyncratic and bizarre that are all too typically misunderstood, feared, and discarded. With compassion, the Satanic Temple accepts all who are just and compassionate. Though we have far to go before public education leads to a mainstream embrace of our Satanic religion, we feel that our own public “coming out” will go a long way toward raising the consciousness of the populace… and the social environment has never yet been better prepared for the welcoming of a new Satanic era".

What a put-on. Their description of themselves, written by a pseudo-intellectual,  just shows what a sick little group this is. I hope that Rick Scott and the State of Florida remain steadfast and do not give in to their threat of a law suit or their bull argument on free speech.


  1. Speaking of the war on Christmas....


  2. Interesting article. If true, and the direction that this "war" is going, we won't have traditional Christmas in the next 30 years. The left-wing liberals, satanists and atheists will have won the "game." I think this will be a fact. the majority will become the minority. Thank God it won't be in my lifetime.
