Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Marco Rubio on Amnesty

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Marco Rubio was running high in the beginning of this year.  He has now fallen 17 points in the polls.  What did him in?  Immigration and the perception that he wants all illegals to become citizens and that we should open up our borders.

What Marco Rubio says on amnesty:
How many people get amnesty?
Zero.  No one gets amnesty.  Unless we continue to do nothing, this bill will eliminate today’s status quo de facto amnesty in which we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here and don’t know who they are, what activities they’re engaged in or anything else about them. On day one, no undocumented immigrant is rewarded with anything.  What happens on day one is the clock starts running on meeting the mandatory security triggers – implementing an effective border security plan, mandatory employment verification for all businesses, and full implementation of an exit system.  Once the border security plan is in place, undocumented immigrants will be able to come forward, must submit to and pass background checks, be fingerprinted, pay fines, pay taxes, prove gainful employment, go to the back of the line, and prove they’ve had a physical presence in the U.S. since before 2012, among other measures. They won’t get any federal benefits.  And if they meet all these requirements, they will earn a temporary status that allows them to work. If they don’t they will be deported.


  1. What did Rubio in is that he tried to appeal to the hard right and looked foolish and calculating trying. Nobody is buying that conservative b.s. Except for a few lemmings.

  2. Rubio marketed himself as a conservative. He promised to do one thing and did another. He was arrogant enough, or stupid enough, or both, to think that he could hold hands with the Democrats and come to an agreement that was not amnesty, or worse.
    Bottom line- Mr. Rubio ignored the wishes of the voters that sent him to Washington in the first place. Now they are going to ignore him.

  3. It's not over til it's over. What did he promise to do that he didn't do? How do you send anywhere from 11 to 33 million illegals back to where they came from? He is trying to work on a solution that makes some sense.
    A lemming I'm not.
