Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rush Limbaugh was Right

It wasn't that long ago. I remember quite distinctly how much I could not stand Rush Limbaugh. Prior to 2007, I honestly thought of him as a nut case. And then along came Obama. The more I read and the more I heard, transformed me 180^. What a revelation it was--Rush Limbaugh was right then and he is right now...who would have guessed? I had closed my mind to the truth still believing in the old Democratic Party that had structurally and ideologically changed before my very eyes. I had been sleeping at the wheel. Obama awakened me to the truth and I thank him for that.

He is ruining the best medical system on Earth. He has eroded freedom, capitalism and the American spirit all in a few short years.  A socialistic government will be the downfall of our country and all who have risked their lives in the past to come here to be a part of the American Dream, prosperity and success, with an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. Now it is becoming an illegal immigrant's dream with an entitlement mindset.

Read Rush's article

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